2011年7月31日 星期日

How chinese medicine helps high blood pressure patient?

Posted in Uncategorized - Written by on March 16, 2011

In Chinese medicine, many of the symptoms of high blood pressure, such as pounding headaches, dizziness, and pressure behind the eyes are often related to a pattern of Liver Yang Rising or Liver Heat. It is important to see a physician for proper diagnosis and supervision of high blood pressure, but acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine may also be useful for managing your condition. Certain herbs have been shown to have an anti-hypertensive effect. Certain other herbs have been shown to be useful for controlling cholesterol levels and improving cardiovascular function. Acupuncture has been shown to have a general relaxing effect which can be useful in stress related or essential hypertension. In addition, certain points are commonly used in the treatment of patterns that relate to high blood pressure.

One commonly used herb for symptoms and patterns related to high blood pressure is Tian Ma. Research in China has shown it to be useful in the treatment of symptoms related to high blood pressure such as dizziness, numbness of extremities, tinnitus, headaches, and pain behind the eyes. It may have a sedative and tranquillizing effect. It has been shown to have usefulness for renal hypertension and essential hypertension. Another useful herb is Ju Hua or chrysanthemum flower, which has been shown to have a prolonged effect of lowering blood pressure through peripheral vessel dilation. It has also been shown to increase blood flow to the heart. Another herb that is used to clear Liver Heat and is commonly used to treat eye problems that may be beneficial for high blood pressure is Xia Ku Cao or prunella. Chinese research has shown that it has a moderate vasodilating effect. These herbs are often used in combination by practitioners of Chinese medicine in the treatment of patterns related to high blood pressure.
Other herbs may be useful for improving heart and circulatory function. They may also help reduce cholesterol. Shan Zha, or hawthorn fruit, have been shown to reduce cholesterol when taken for six weeks or more. It is often used in China to improve circulation and to treat angina pectoris. Another herb that is commonly used in China for cardiovascular problems is Dang Shen. It has also been shown to reduce cholesterol. It also may improve microcirculation in the body. In China, Dang Shen are used in the treatment of angina and in the treatment of coronary heart disease. It also may help promote repair and regeneration of tissues by increasing the body’s metabolism.

A Chinese herbalist always takes an inventory of symptoms, along with looking at a person’s tongue and feeling a person’s pulse in order to determine the specific combination of points and herbs that a person needs. Different people with high blood pressure are treated differently depending on the pattern they present.

